STATEMENT: Brooke Rollins on Anticipated Weaponization of Government by State Prosecutors in New York

STATEMENT: Brooke Rollins on Anticipated Weaponization of Government by State Prosecutors in New York

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The America First Policy Institute today issued the below statement ahead of potential state charges being levied against former President Donald J. Trump from Brooke Rollins, President and CEO of the America First Policy Institute:

 “The weaponization of government is dangerous, wrong, and un-American.

“The elitist regime and its agents in the media have consistently, without shame, utilized a two-tiered justice system to persecute anyone who attends the wrong protest, says or believes the wrong thing, donates to the wrong cause, or threatens their power. Now, they have concocted another politically motivated, legally suspect attack to smear a political opponent and interfere with an election, but the America First movement cannot and will not be slowed down.

“We are a free people endowed by God with certain unalienable rights – and that is true for every single American citizen regardless of stature or status. AFPI will continue our fight to protect anyone who has those rights threatened.”

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