Op-Ed: FBI wrecked its reputation. Fixing it requires these essential things

Op-Ed: FBI wrecked its reputation. Fixing it requires these essential things

Originally Published Aug. 7, 2023 on Fox News

The FBI is not the revered institution it once was, but it can be again

I was an FBI special agent for more than 12 years and considered it a calling until I walked away at the end of last year. Unfortunately, the FBI changed significantly as it became politically and socially weaponized. I joined the FBI to fight crime but over time found myself being bombarded with partisan politics and social movements swirling around me which I wanted no part of.

At the same time, Americans lost trust in this important institution and morale plummeted. It pained me that I was no longer proud to say I was an FBI special agent. I realized under the current leadership that no one was going to stop the FBI from continuing on this trajectory, and I lacked faith things would improve.

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