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America First is

Ensuring Accountability Justice & Security Reform Preparing to Govern

Ensuring Accountability
Justice & Security Reform
Preparing to Govern

To combat the increased weaponization of government, the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) is pursuing a comprehensive strategy that seeks to hold those in power accountable, outlines key justice and national security policy reforms, and prepares for a new America First administration to rectify the two-tiered system of justice that plagues our nation.

Weaponization Updates

Latest Update

Strategic Overview

Our America First approach will provide the solutions needed to restore justice and the rule of law in America.


Deliver accountability through investigations, calls-to-action for oversight authorities and media, coordinated messaging strategies, and AFPI expert briefings. Combat the proliferation of rogue, progressive prosecutors and provide solutions for state leaders.

Justice & National Security

Provide clear mechanisms to stop the abuse of national security intelligence for political purposes. Advance structural and personnel reforms to ensure that the FBI no longer pursues biased, politicized investigations or prosecutions at the expense of the rule of law.  

Preparing to

Prepare a detailed policy, personnel, and administrative agenda for every agency in an incoming America First administration to immediately regain control of a politicized workforce across all federal agencies. The Department of Justice and FBI plans are a top priority. 

RESEARCH REPORT: Central Bank Digital Currencies

Op-Ed: FBI wrecked its reputation. Fixing it requires these essential things

Weaponizing Government to Prosecute the America First Movement – and Protect Corrupt Elites

Is a Special Counsel Necessary to Investigate the Department of Justice?

STATEMENT: Yet Another Indictment on Former President Donald Trump

Wray Testimony: Shedding Light on Politicization at the FBI

Liberty and Justice for All: An America First FBI

Recommended America First Actions to Counter Meddling in Domestic Politics by U.S. National Security Officers

Jack Smith – A Record That Speaks for Itself

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